A Scripture Based Devotional for Overcomers

1 October
The reason to be ready for Jesus’ return
Matt. 24:36-44
For unbelievers, the return of Jesus is considered a myth. But for believers, it is an event that is most certain (Acts 1:10-11; Jn. 14:2-3). Jesus commanded His followers to be ready for His return (Matt. 24:42). He gives reasons why they must always be ready for His return. First, no one knows the time of His return (Matt. 24:36). The Father reserves or restricts this knowledge to Himself (Matt. 24:36). Therefore all previous, present and future claims to know the date of His return are false, spurious and demonic (cf. Jn. 8:44). Second, no notice of His return will be given (Matt. 24:37-41, 44). We human beings are used to notices, but not with respect to Jesus’ return. Only the signs are given. The need to be ready is not optional. And it is only those who are ready when He returns who will share in His Kingdom (Matt. 24:45-47; Jn. 14:2-3). It is in our own interest to be ready for Jesus’ return.
PRAYER: 1. Father, please make me ready for Jesus’ return.
2. Father, please take away whatever hinders me from being ready for Jesus’ return.

2 October
Defining generousity in giving
Lk. 21:1-4
This passage defines what it means to be generous when giving to God. Going by this passage and others, generousity is not defined in terms of quantity but of sacrifice (Lk. 21:3; 2 Cor. 8:2). It does not depend on the amount one gives, but on the sacrifice he makes. Someone may give a million dollars without being generous before God (see 2Cor. 8:11-12). On the other hand, one can give just a hundred dollars and be considered generous before God (Lk. 21:1-4; 2Cor. 8:11-12). It is when we give according to our means that we can be considered generous in the biblical sense of the term (Lk. 21:1-4; 2 Cor. 8:11-12). God deserves our generous giving. Our richest acts of generousity put together can never match one act of His (see Jn. 3:16; Rom. 5:8). And He even promises to reward us when we give generously to Him or His cause (see 2Cor. 9:6).
PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to be generous in giving to you or your cause.
2. Father, please take away whatever hinders me from being generous to you or your cause.

3 October
Believers must persevere
Heb. 10:35-36
Perseverance is the ability to hold on to the faith until the end. Believers are commanded to persevere (Heb. 10:36). God’s promise or crown or blessing belongs to the one who stands form to the end, not to the one who gives up along the way (see Jam. 1:12; 5:10-11; cf. Rev. 2:10). The one who stands firm to the end is ready for the promise Jesus made (Heb. 10:36; Rev. 2:10). It is exactly like what happens in athletics. It is the one who completes the race who receives the prize, not the one who drops by the way. There is no justification for not persevering (cf. Jam. 1:2-4). No trial, hardship, suffering, persecution, affliction, or even death, can excuse us from the need to persevere to the end (cf. Rom. 8:37-39). God gives the grace to persevere to anyone who desires to do so.
PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to persevere to the end.
2. Father, please destroy whatever prevents me from persevering to the end.

4 October
Waiting for God’s appointed time
Hab. 2:2-3
God is fully in change of all His creation (Ps. 24:1-2). Every word of His mouth is potent (see Heb. 4:12). Once He utters the word, it will surely come to pass. What believers need to do is to wait until He fulfils His word at His appointed time (Hab. 2:2-3). We must allow Him to bring His word to pass by Himself, in His own time, in His own way. His timing and means are the best. We must learn to trust Him alone to bring His word to pass. No one else can fulfill His word in our lives (see Ps. 127:1). The word or promise and its fulfillment are His. Physical objects cannot bring us to God’s appointed time in our lives (see Ps. 33:16-22). We must depend on God alone to bring His appointed time to pass in our lives. There is no need for anxiety about God’s promise in our lives. He who makes the promise is faithful and able to do what He promises (see Heb. 10:23). And being anxious can make no difference in our lives (Matt. 6:27). We must not force God’s appointed time in our lives. We must not manipulate it. We must not invent schemes to attain it. The only rightful thing for believers to do is to wait for it, and it will certainly come to pass.
PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to wait for your appointed time.
2. Father, please honour all your promises in my life.


Our Daily Key: A Scripture Based Devotional for Overcomers

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