A Scripture Based Devotional for Overcomers


Special Christmas Advent Edition

1 December
Gal. 4:4
Born in the fullness of time

God determined the time of the birth of Jesus. He knew the right and appropriate time for His birth. The world was ripe for His birth and mission (cf. Jn. 4:35). His birth took place at just the right time (cf. Rom. 5:6). The time was right for God to fulfill His promise of sending the Messiah (see Eph. 1:9-10). We are part of this fullness of time. We are even blessed to be part of it (see Matt. 13:16). Many longed to be part of it but were not so favoured (see Matt. 13:17; cf. 1Pet. 1:10-12). Therefore, we must ensure that we are not left out of the gain that the birth of Jesus brings. There is no better justification for being part of the fullness of time than to partake in the benefit that His birth offers. We gain nothing from being within God’s fullness of time unless we claim the blessing brought by Jesus’ birth.

PRAYER: 1. Father, thank you for making me part of the fullness of time.
2. Father, please give me a share in the gain that Jesus’ birth brings


2 December
Gen. 3:15
The Woman’s offspring or seed

In response to Satan’s role in the fall of man (see Gen. 3:1-5), God promised a woman’s offspring or seed who will crush his head (Gen. 3:15). The birth of Jesus fulfilled this promise (see Is. 7:14; Matt. 1:22-23; Lk. 1:30-31; Gal. 4:4-5). Jesus is the woman’s offspring or seed born to crush Satan’s head (see 1Jn. 3:8). He is born to crush the devil’s head (1Jn. 3:8). With Jesus’ birth, we are not supposed to be subject to the devil’s power and authority unless we jettison Jesus for him (see 1Jn. 3:8). With the birth of Jesus we have complete victory over Satan, his agents and all their evil schemes if we jettison them and put our trust in Jesus alone (cf. Col. 2:15). In order to enjoy victory over Satan we must put our trust in Jesus who was born to crush him (Gen. 3:15). We leave ourselves open and vulnerable to Satanic attacks and schemes by associating with him and serving him in one form or the other instead of trusting the one who alone was born to crush him, Jesus Christ our Lord. (1Jn. 3:8).

PRAYER: Father, please crush Satan and His agents for me.


3 December
Num. 24:17-19
The star or ruler of Jacob

Balaam whom Balak who ruled in Moab at the time invited to curse the Israelites on behalf of his country foresaw a star or a ruler of Jacob’s stock or loin who will arise and will crush the Moabites and their other enemies (Num. 24:17-19). This prediction echoed a similar one by Jacob, several years earlier (Gen. 49:10), as well as another by the prophet Micah several years latter (Mic. 5:3). The birth of Jesus fulfilled Balaam’s prediction and that of Jacob and that of Micah (see Rev. 22:16; cf. Matt. 2:1-2). Jesus was indeed born to rule (cf. Mic. 5:2). With His scepter He has authority to rule over all creation (see Ps. 8:6-7). All creation is subject to His rule. There is no other rule except His own. We must not only acknowledge but surrender to His rule so that it will be well with us. When we fail to do so we rebel against Him and render ourselves objects of His displeasure.

PRAYER: 1. Father, I accept your rule over me and everyone concerning me.
2. Father, please rule over me and everything that has to do with me.
3. Father, please over come every other rule over my life and over everything that concerns me


4 December
Deut. 18:15
The Prophet like unto Moses

Moses told the Israelites that God will raise up for them a prophet like unto him (Deut. 18:15). This was in answer to the request the Israelites had made at Horeb (Deut. 18:16-19). Like Moses, this prophet is to go between God and the people. This was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ (see Acts 3:22-26; Acts 7:35-38). Jesus was born as the prophet unto Moses (Acts 3:22-26; Acts 7:37-38). Our duty today is the same as that of those to whom the promise was first made-to listen to Him (Deut. 18:15; Acts 3:22). This is the only way to benefit from His birth and mission. Likewise, the reward for not listening to Him is the same as it was for those to whom the promise first came – anyone who does not listen to Him will be cut off from among His people (see Acts 3:22-23). Such a person can have no gain whatever from Jesus’ birth and mission. The most important thing therefore is not only to celebrate His birth but to listen to the one who is born like unto Moses.

PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to listen to Jesus fully.
2. Father, please take away everything that hinders me from listening to Jesus totally.


5 December
Is. 7:14
A prophecy fulfilled

Prophet Isaiah foretold the birth of Jesus hundreds of years before it happened (Is. 7:14). This was fulfilled when Jesus was born over two thousand years ago (Matt. 1:22-23). Jesus’ birth was indeed a direct fulfillment of prophecy. What was merely a prediction became a living reality. Therefore, the birth of Jesus was not an ordinary event but a deliberate act of God for the salvation of mankind (Matt. 1:21). It was part of God’s plan to save His fallen and estranged children (see Jn. 3:16). He only brought it to pass at His appointed time more than two hundred years ago (Gal. 4:4). It is so easy to loose sight of God’s intended purpose as we celebrate Jesus’ birth each year. It is of utmost importance that we ensure that we have a share in God’s work of salvation by putting our trust in Jesus whose birth we celebrate every year. Neither Isaiah’s prophecy of Jesus’ birth nor its fulfillment more than two thousand years ago is of any value or use to anyone unless he puts his trust in Jesus who is the fulfillment of God’s prophecy. And as God fulfilled this particular promise, He will fulfill all His other promises relating to the salvation of mankind and all our other needs (see Jos. 23:14).

PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to put my trust in Jesus.
2. Father, please take away everything that hinders me from putting my trust in Jesus.
3. Father, please fulfill all your promises concerning me.

6 December
Matt. 1:18-20
Divinely conceived

Jesus was not conceived through a husband and wife affair. Everybody else is conceived in this way. He was conceived through the Holy Spirit (Matt. 1:18, 20; Lk. 1:35). We are not told how the Holy Spirit did it except that He came upon her and overshadowed her (Lk. 1:35), but we are assured that His conception was His work (Matt. 1:18, 20; Lk. 1:35). This is not the same as what we read of in Greek mythology – how their gods had sexual intercourse among themselves and bred more gods. This conception is unique to Jesus. His unique conception makes His birth unique. Neither has there ever been nor shall there ever be a conception and birth like His own. His divine conception confirms His divine mission (Matt. 1:21; Jn. 1:29). It shows that this is not an ordinary individual, but the Saviour of the world (Lk. 2:10-11), and the Lamb of God who takes the world’s sin away (Jn. 1:29). As we celebrate His birth every year all over the world, it is important that we ensure that we know and take Him for who He really is, the Saviour of the world (Lk. 2:10-11), and the Lamb of God (Jn. 1:29). Our yearly celebrations of His birth are utterly meaningless useless we know and take Him for who He really is.

PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to know and take Jesus for who He really is.
2. Father, please take away everything that hinders me from knowing and taking Him for who he really is.


7 December
Lk. 2:10-11
Good news indeed!

When the angel first announced the birth of Jesus to a group of Shepherds he described it as good news (Lk. 2:10). According to the angel, the good news is that a Saviour is born, who is the Messiah God promised (Lk. 2:11). This is good news indeed. Not only the Jews but the whole world had been expecting this news or announcement. It came in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, more than two thousand years ago. The angel’s good news is the same for us today. The same news is applicable to us today. But it is not enough to hear the good news. Hearing the good news without accepting the Saviour the news presents is like never hearing the news in the first place. The news becomes good news indeed when one not only hears it but receives the Saviour it announces (see Jn. 1:12-13). Jesus Christ in one’s heart is indeed the good news. Without putting one’s trust in Him, there is no good news whatever. It is one who accepts Jesus as his Saviour who has truly heard the good news. The good news today is that the angel’s good news of more than two thousand years ago is still extant for those who are willing to listen to it and accept the Saviour it presents. What have you done about the angel’s good news? The problem today is not whether the angel’s good news has been heard but whether the Saviour announced by him has been accepted (see Jn. 1:12-13).

PRAYER: 1. Father, thank you for the good news.
2. Father, please enable me to accept the Saviour you have graciously given.



Our Daily Key: A Scripture Based Devotional for Overcomers

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