A Scripture Based Devotional for Overcomers

16 April
Joel 1:13-15
The reason for repentance

The prophet calls upon the people to repent because of the imminence of the Lord’s Day (Joel 1:15). The people had forsaken the Lord, and the Lord had promised a day in which He will judge them (Joel 1:15). This judgment had already begun to take place in some measure (Joel 1:11-13). Like in Joel’s day, the Lord has also a day in which He will judge all mankind (Acts 17:31; cf. 2 Cor. 5:10). The most appropriate response to the Lord’s Day to day as in Joel’s day is to repent and turn to Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38-39; Acts 3:19-20). Anyone who refuses to heed the call to repent will be condemned on that day (cf. Jn. 3:18). For the repentant, the Lord’s Day is a day of salvation and joy. For the unrepentant, it is a day of destruction and doom (see Joel 1:15). As in the days of Joel, the need to repent is so urgent today, especially in view of the imminence of the Lord’s Day (Acts 17:31; 2 Cor. 5:10). No one is truly ready for that day unless he repents and turns to Christ (Acts 2:38-39; Acts 3:19-20).

PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to repent of all my sins.
2. Father, take away whatever hinders me from repenting of all my sins.

17 April
Deut. 30:7
The Lord takes care of the enemies of His obedient children

In his farewell address, Moses told the Israelites that one of the blessings of returning to the Lord and obeying Him with all their heart and soul was that the Lord will take the curses for disobedience from them and put them on their enemies instead (Deut. 30:7). When they returned to the Lord and obeyed Him with all their heart and souls, they were no longer going to be subject to the Lord’s curses for disobedience (Deut. 28:15-68). Those curses will instead be put on their enemies (Deut. 30:7). This is true for us today as well. We do not have to bother about our enemies. What we need to bother about is to return to the Lord and obey Him with all our heart and soul. Our return to Him and complete obedience will make Him deal adequately with our enemies on our behalf. We need not fight for ourselves. All we need to do is to return to God and obey Him with all our hearts and souls, and He will take care of our enemies for us (Deut. 28:1-2, 7). Our responsibility is to return to God and obey Him with all our heart and soul (Deut. 6:5; Deut. 28:1-2). It is God’s responsibility to deal satisfactorily with our enemies on our behalf (Deut. 28:7). The key to victory over our enemies is therefore our returning to God and obeying Him with all our heart and soul (Deut. 28:1-2, 7).

PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to return to you and obey you with all my heart
and soul.
2. Fathers, please deal with my enemies for me.

18 April
Ps. 11:4-7
Why the Lord hates the wicked

Why does the Lord hate the wicked? This passage gives a most satisfying explanation (Ps. 11:7). According to this passage, the Lord hates the wicked because He is righteous and loves justice (Ps. 11:7). The Lord is righteous and just in His being and has nothing to do with wickedness (Ps. 119:137-138;Ps.145:17). The wicked have nothing in common with Him, thus His hatred of them (see Rom. 8:7-8; Jam. 4:4-5). In order to take away God’s enmity, the ground for the enmity must be removed (Is. 55:7; Ezek. 18:21-23). The wicked must turn from his wickedness to God (Is. 55:7; Ezek. 18:21-23). The Lord does not delight in the death of the wicked but in their repentance to life (Ezek. 18:23). The enmity between God and the wicked will not be removed unless the latter forsakes his ways and returns to God wholeheartedly (Is. 55:7).

PRAYER: 1. Father, please make me just and righteous like you.
2. Father, please take away whatever hinders me from being just and righteous like you.

19 April
The Lord prospers those who return to Him and obey Him

During his farewell address to the Israelites, Moses told them that when they returned to the Lord and obeyed Him with all their heart and soul, the Lord will make them not just prosperous, but most prosperous, in all aspects of life, including family and business (Deut.30:1-5, 9-10). The Lord to whom they returned will do it (Deut. 30:9-10). The promise applies exclusively to those who return to the Lord and obey him with all their heart and soul (Deut.30:1-5,9-10; cf. Lev. 26:3-13; Deut. 28:1-14). The disobedient are not entitled to the Lord’s blessings but curses (Lev. 26:14-39; Deut. 28:15-68; Ps. 1:4-6). Once again the Scripture here ties or links God’s own prosperity to our returning to Him and obeying Him with all our heart and soul (Deut. 30:1-5,9-10;Lev.26:3-13; Deut.28:1-14; Ps.1:1-3). The decree is the same for us as it was for the Israelites of that time. The Lord’s own blessings are ours when we return to Him and obey Him with all our heart and soul (Deut.30:1-5,9-10,Lev.26:3-13;Deut.28:1-14). Therefore, if we desire His own blessings, which cover all aspects of life, then we must return to Him and obey Him with all our heart and soul (Deut. 30:1-5, 9-10; Lev. 26:3-13; Deut:28:1-14). We forgo His blessings when we refuse to return to Him and obey Him with all our heart and soul (Lev.26:14-39; Deut. 28:15-68; Ps. 1:4-6).

PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to return to you and obey you with all my heart and soul.
2. Father, please make me most prosperous in all aspects of my life.

20 April
Deut. 30:15-20
The two choices before humanity

In his farewell address to the Israelites before his death, Moses set two clear choices before them namely, the choice of life and prosperity and that of death and destruction (Deut. 30:15, 19). The choice of life and prosperity is made when one chooses to love the Lord, walk in His ways and keep His commands, decrees and laws (Deut. 30:16). The choice of death and destruction is made when one turns his heart away from the Lord to worship other gods and disobey Him (Deut. 30:17-18). As one would expect, Moses recommended life for them (Deut. 30:19-20). This is another instance in which the Scripture makes the same point that the Lord’s blessings belong to the obedient (see Lev. 26:3-13; Deut. 28:1-14; Deut. 30:9-10), while the disobedient are objects not of His blessings but curses (Lev. 26:14-39; Deut. 28:15-68; Ps. 1:4-6). These same choices are also set before us today. In fact, all of humanity will continue to be faced with these two choices till the end of the age. The choice that Moses recommended for them is the right and worthwhile choice for us today as well (Deut. 30:19-20). It is indeed wise to choose life and prosperity (cf. Prov. 1:7). On the other hand, it is foolish to choose death and destruction (see Ps. 14:1). How to choose one or the other is clearly spelt out (Deut. 30:15-18).

PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to love you, to walk in your ways, and to obey
your commands, decrees, and laws wholeheartedly.
2. Father, please keep my heart from turning away from you to other gods and from disobeying you.
3. Father, please do give me live and prosperity.

21 April
2 Thess. 1:6-10
The nature of God’s pay back for persecutors

God has promised that He will pay back those who persecute and afflict the Thessalonian believers (2 Thess.1:6). But what form will this pay back take? Here Paul explains that they will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from God’s presence and majesty (2 Thess.1:8-10). This means that their eternal place will be in the lake of fire, not in God’s kingdom (Rev.20:15; Rev.21:8). This is also true for all believers. This is a dreadful price to pay for persecuting and afflicting God’s children. The persecutions and afflictions people carry out against believers will earn them nothing but an eternal place in hell (Rev.20:15; Rev.21:8). However, those who persecute and afflict believers can be forgiven and spared of this eternal punishment if they turn from their acts to Christ (Acts 2:38-39; Acts 3:19-20; Rom. 10:9-10). However, should they refuse to turn from their acts to Christ and persist in them, then this everlasting destruction and separation from God will come to pass for them (see Heb. 10:26-31).

PRAYER: 1. Father, please enable me to endure all suffering.
2. Father, please enable me to entrust all judgments to you alone.

22 April
Deut. 31:3-6
The Lord goes ahead of His children

Moses told the Israelites that although he will not be able to lead them any longer (Deut. 31:1-2), the Lord himself will cross over ahead of them (Deut. 31:3). They will not be crossing alone, but with the Lord ahead of them (Deut. 31:3). The Lord will not only cross over with them but ahead of them (Deut. 31:3). He will not cross ahead of them by proxy but by Himself (Deut. 31:3). The result of the Lord crossing over ahead of them is victory and courage (Deut. 31:4-6). The Lord does the same for His children today. He has promised to be with us who belong to Him (Matt. 28:20). In fact, His presence is one of the benefits of belonging to Him. He is not only present with us but goes ahead of us in every matter that concerns us (cf. Acts 18:9-11). And the result for us as well is victory and courage (Deut. 31:3-6). Believers can surely count on His presence wherever they may be and whatever they may do (see Matt. 28:20; cf. Ps. 139:7-12). Believers are never ever alone at any moment in time (Matt. 28:20; Deut. 31:8; see Dan. 3:24-25). With the assurance of the Lord’s presence, our victory and courage are assured (Deut. 31:3-6).

PRAYER: 1. Father, please go over ahead of me in everything, always.
2. Father, please fight for me against all my enemies.
3. Father, please give me victory and courage over my enemies.
4. Father, please give me possession of all that you ordained or destined for


Our Daily Key: A Scripture Based Devotional for Overcomers

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